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Safeguarding Children & Young People Policy

This Safeguarding policy is based on guidelines and legislation outlined in the following documents: 


  • Children (NI) Order 1995.


  • Our Duty to Care NI, DHSSPS 2012.


  • Getting It Right, DHSSPS 2012.


  • Co-operating to Safeguard Children DHSSPS 2003.


  • Area Child Protection Committee – Regional Child Protection Policy 2005.


  • Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups (NI) Order 2007.


  • Protection of Freedoms Act 2012


Safeguarding or Child Protection

The term child protection has been changed to safeguarding as it reflects the wider responsibility for health and safety and prevention as well as just protection from abuse. The word safeguarding has been used with increasing frequency over the last few years in a wide range of settings and situations, going well beyond the world of children and child protection. It may be defined as “Doing everything possible to minimise the risk of harm to children and young people.”


Safeguarding is about being proactive and putting measures in place in advance of any contact with children to ensure that children are going to be kept safe. This could include:

  • Ensuring staff are properly checked when they are recruited;

  • Guidelines for people who come into contact with children as part of their role to ensure they know what they need to do to keep children safe; and 


Date Agreed by Skills Development Training

Date for Review:  23/09/2020



We at Skills Development Training are committed to good practice which protects children from harm. Staff and volunteers accept and recognise their responsibility to provide an environment which promotes the safety of the child at all times. To achieve this we will:


  • Develop an awareness of the issues which may lead to children being harmed.


  • Create an open environment by identifying a ‘Designated Safeguarding Children Officer (DSCO) to whom the children can turn to if they need to talk.


  • Adopt child centred and democratic coaching styles.


  • Adopt safeguarding guidelines through codes of conduct for members and all adults working at the club. Adult workers include coaches, parents and volunteers.


  • Ensure careful recruitment, selection and management procedures. These procedures will include regular support and supervision is provided to staff/volunteers.


  • Ensure complaints, grievance and disciplinary procedures are included in our constitution.


  • Share information about concerns with children and parents and others who need to know.


  • Provide information as required to the management committee.


  • Ensure good and safe working/playing practices.


  • Be involved in training made available through the various agencies and strengthen links with these agencies.


  • Keep Safeguarding policies under regular review (every three years minimum).


  • Have procedures relating specifically to bullying, away trips, transport, use of photography and communication through texting or social media forums.


  • Have an induction document available for parents, coaches and children clearly outlining their rights and responsibilities.


Children have the right to be safe.  All Staff / Volunteers should ensure that this fundamental principle takes precedence over all other considerations.


This policy applies to all those involved in Skills Development training, coaches, administrators, officials, volunteer and young people.



To address the vulnerability of children with a disability coaches will seek guidance on working with children with a disability from external agencies, parents/guardians and the children themselves.



We at Skills development training will never promise to keep secrets. However, information of a confidential nature will only be communicated on a "need to know" basis, with the welfare of the child paramount.

Considerations of confidentiality will not be allowed to override the rights of children or young members to be protected from harm. 

A full Safeguarding policy statement is displayed and available within club premises for all interested parties to read. 



Background knowledge in relation to child abuse, the general principles of safeguarding and the ability to recognise and respond to abuse are important issues. Of primary concern for Skills Development Training is the issue of Safeguarding of our young members within the operation of the club. However, being cognisant of the indicators of abuse in respect of young members caused by others outside the club, are of an equal importance for the safety and well being of that child.



The DSCO within Skills Development Training is:


NAME: Sikiru Oshungbure

TEL: 07990 553 926



The DSCO deputy within Skills Development training is:


NAME: Adedayo Adebowale

TEL: 07852 490 572



Sikiru Oshungbure shall be made known to young members, coaches and parents alike; as the DSCO to whom concerns will be addressed. 



A Code of Conduct lets all our staff/volunteers in our organisation know what behaviour is expected and what is unacceptable.  It will also let all involved know what sanctions will be applied for non-compliance with the code.  A written code of conduct will be prominently displayed or communicated to everyone associated with our organisation. It will be applied consistently. This organisation has a Code of Conduct for trainers /volunteers and young people and a code of expectations for parents/guardians.



This organisation are committed to ensure the safety of all members by completing a risk assessment for activities and endeavouring to provide first aid treatment for injury, accidents and cases of ill health during coaching sessions or at competitions. 




NSPCC Helpline

0808 800 5000


PSNI Public Protection Unit

028 9065 0222 


Ask for your local Public Protection Unit Childline Freephone 

0800 111111



0808 808 8000


Metropolitan Police 

0300 123 1212


London Safeguarding Children

0207 934 9714


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